Thursday, May 21, 2009

How 'bout I punch you in the face?

And why not start with a picture of me in my wedding dress sitting on the can?! Exactly! Well, this week has, of course, been both mundane and crazy. Weird how that works. We used to always joke about the SVU time warp, where days seemed to drag on forever, but the weeks some how just flew past. It's not just the SVU time warp-it's the time warp of life. Everything just flies by, though the moment to moment time seems like they've added an extra 60 seconds to each minute. It could just seem that way because I spend the majority of those minutes putting books back on the shelf, and taking foreign objects out of Layla's mouth. And remember when I decided to blog and make taco meat at the same time, and then forgot I was making taco meat until the house started smelling weird. I sure do. Our quote for today is this one:
"As if you could kill time without injuring eternity". Henry David Thoreau. Why would we want to kill time? Why not use it, or enjoy it? Why are we always killing it, waiting for the next best moment to come along? Eternity is the ever present now, and if we're always trying to kill that time, hoping the next minute is a better sixty seconds than the last, aren't we really just saying that our Eternity isn't good enough? And now, I'm off to spend 60 seconds making Layla a bottle-it's not a sucky sixty seconds-right now, she's my Eternity.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Let us begin

This is my real blog. I've had a hidden pretend one in the past. But this is for real. And because it is real, it is guaranteed to be boring, and sometimes self indulgent. So there. Mainly it will be pictures of Layla (because she's a lot cuter than me), quotes that I like, and me pontificating on different subjects.

We begin with a picture of Layla-because really, she's adorable. Though maybe not as adorable in this picture as she is in real life, mainly because this is about 2 hours after we discovered her egg allergy. So she's got hives all over her face and body. Because I suck as a mother. Thankfully, as a species we have the ability to adapt for survival. Or Layla would be toast, considering my mothering abilities.

On to my quote for the day: My idea of feminism is self-determination, and it's very open-ended: every woman has the right to become herself, and do whatever she needs to do. Oh, Ani Difranco, how I do love the things you have to say.

I thought I was exploring my right to become myself, when things got thrown a bit of a curve ball. I didn't plan to get pregnant right off the bat-I was trying to prevent that from happening. It was my worst nightmare. And it came true. Only, really, Layla is that "whatever" that I needed to help me become myself. I wasn't fully or entirely me, or the me that encompasses the full female experience until Layla showed up at our doorstep. I remember one day during my pregnancy, I was pretty much hating everything about it-and started griping about everything I was giving up, when a wise friend of mine said "grad school will always be there. those buildings have deep foundations and the minds that preside there usually get hired for life. so you're safe. i'm seeing layla as the factor that you weren't counting on who will guide you to where you want to end up more soundly than you could alone." And how right you are, Hannah-how right you are!